Terminal 1 Perth International Airport 2016
Public Art Commission
Perth International Airport
Between 2014 and 2016, I was commissioned by Perth Airport, Western Australia to produce new work for their public art program, one of a number of art installations on show in the newly refurbished TermInal 1 that reflect Western Australia’s unique and diverse culture, natural beauty and environmental features, as well as recognise the airport’s strong Indigenous heritage.
The project brief focused on creating a visually engaging entry and departure experience for commuters and travellers. The design was to introduce vibrant colour highlights to complement the neutral tones of the interior shell.
For this commission, I produced a series of stain paintings produced in my studio over a twelve month period. To achieve the highest quality outcomes I collaborated with a graphic designer to develop concept designs. I also sourced a graphic printing specialist to fabricate the final works. I sourced specialist photography to document the work in high resolution,
Multiple site visits ensured clear flow of communication and allowed me to refine the aesthetic elements of the designs, aligning them with the guiding principles of the Perth Art Program. Adjustments to colour and composition were made through a well-coordinated and collaborative exchange. I independently utilised computer graphic software to develop the designs and maintained consistent communication with public art consultants and designers throughout the process.
The conceptual development was based on the idea of an antidote to jet-lag, as observed through the changing light in the location of the airport, the views out to the horizon looking over the runways, and the night and day effect of a 24-hour airport. The glazed wall installation for the Arrivals was titled ‘Night / Day’, evoking the captivating changing light over a 24-hour period, starting with the blush of dawn, progressing to the blues of mid-morning through to the soft golden hues of a moody dusk.
Image by Acorn Photos
Image by Acorn Photos
Image by Acorn Photos
Image by Acorn Photos
Penny Coss’ glazed wall installation, titled Night Day, evokes the captivating quality of Western Australia’s light over a 24 hour period, starting with the blush of dawn, progressing to the blues of mid-morning through to the soft golden hues of a moody dusk.
image Acorn Photography
Acorn Photography