The Twist of the Sea

video installation

Moores Building ·

PC Twist still

Commissioned for “UNDERCURRENT 19”, the second edition of the Fremantle Biennale, “The Twist of the Sea” is a solo exhibition of works by Perth-based artist Penny Coss. The exhibition borrows its title from a translation of the Portuguese “volta do mar”, a historic sailing technique involving the use of trade winds to navigate ships.

Installation View- 3 channel Video 'Doldrums'
Installation View
Installation View
Installation View
Installation Still Twist of the Sea 2019
400cm (W) x 240cm (H)
Still from single channel 4k video - 2.4 x 4 metres projection
Still image from Twist of the Sea (Edit)
Still image from Twist of the Sea
single channel 4k video
PC Twist Still 2
20190527-DJI_0014 (1)
Text Installation
text on wall from poem 'As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of Life' Walt Whitman