
 Turbid Sweep






Turbid Sweep is a site-specific intervention commencing with sweeping the drawings of rocks on the floor made from calcium carbonate, and its matter whilst engaging with the  audience wayfinding across the floor.  The dust particles of the white chalk will be intertwined with dirt and other debris found, carried, or blown into the space from the nearby busy throughfare and passers-by. This work serves as a thoughtful reflection on human centrism and how we affect our environment. A stratigraphic anthropocentric installation of the sweep's results will be present in the space, rearranged to form intricate layers of debris, video and sculpture which aims to serve as a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with the environment and our role in shaping the world around us.




 post perfomance and video

at Draw Space, Sydney




Position Uncertain 2022

Art Collective Western Australia








‘Humans leave their mark, and the earth carries it forward as an archive.’

Jussi Parikka, A Geology of Media, 2015


        Carefully choreographed solo performance by Penny Coss considers connection to the earth and the turn towards the

        geologic to make sense of the world. Coss  incorporates sound and large scale props  to convey her encounters whilst

        on fieldwork in the North Pole Dome and the tenuous link to her father, who was a geologist .


Duration 24 minutes

performed at the Art Collective Western Australia






20min duration as part of Anxious Spaces installation
The Long Kiss Goodbye
Perth International Art Festival 2020
curated by Gemma Weston
video of excerpts of the performance see here





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